
Monday, January 11, 2010

Midwife or Doctor?

Ok so many of you know of my "probable bicornuate uterus" and of me having a miscarriage in 2008. Well I have come to a point in this pregnancy that I think I should see a OB doctor and not my midwife. The reason I picked her in the beginning was because she was my midwife when I lost Nehemiah in 2008 and was so sweet and took care of me very well. This time around I feel that she doesn't know alot about my uterus and well the tech who did my ultrasound last Wednesday told me that I should have gone awhile back to have the Level II ultrasound cause now the baby is too big to look at my uterus. Another issue one day was when my midwife did an ultrasound on me at 13 wks she stated that the baby was on one side of my uterus and all the fluid was on the other side. The tech last Wednesday said that my midwife should of never of said that cause a baby can not live that way. Then on Friday I had my regular checkup at the clinic and I saw Dr. M which is someone I have never seen before which is fine with me cause I actually would like to meet different doctors since in a military hospital you see like 10 million... LOL true! When he came in he said my named looked familiar and I asked why and he said its cause im on the High Risk list and they have a meeting every month and discuss those on it. So he asked me how the Level II u/s go and I told him everything. I said the tech said I should of gone to her a long time ago like 12 weeks so she could see the uterus better. Dr. M said that he would of sent me back then too! Errrrr... Then he asked me if my midwife set up a ultrasound "in-house" which meaning in this military hospital and I said nope... He said he wants one done and then he said he wants my records from my Reproductive Endo Specialist. Sooooooooo.....

Stay with my Midwife or a Doctor?? I think I will follow up with Dr. M! He seemed more concerned which I like better.. I mean if im "high risk" shouldn't they be doing more?


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It is a decision that you and your heart need to make . If the doctor is one session cleared up answers and seemd so concerned for mother and baby , and is giving you Godly healthly answers then I would think this is a no brainer ... PICK HIM..., If he already is CONCERNED and is having meetings and PROVIDING you with answers and already has your back Then this is God's decision already made for you .There is a reason why you walked in that office for a checkup, WITH HIM , Being a A HIGHRISK PT I would want all the check ups reg..and the ultrasounds done as much as they can do it for reassurance , and certinaly that all and all is ok. this is my pick I WOULD SWITCH TO the DR send all your files over and see what he suggests to ensure the best over all care for mother and daughter, I felt a vibe from this post that there is a reason why you went , a reason why you seemed inpressed? . sometimes second chances are better then nothing right . god bless and keep me posted ok . thanks for stopping by circle of life I HAVE MISSED YOU ! MICHELLE

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